New York City, NY, United States

Associations & DRI

Amalgam regulations are coming. Are your members ready?

Partner with DRI

Partner with DRI and Prepare Your Members for Upcoming Amalgam Regulations

DRI presents an opportunity to your dental association, strategic partner in support of the new regulations being developed as a result of your country being a signatory of the Minamata Treaty.


The Minamata Convention on Mercury targets those human activities responsible for mercury pollution worldwide. In the 1950s, Minimata, a city located in Japan, suffered a critical issue of mercury poisoning that lasted for decades, following the discharge of industrial wastewater into Minamata Bay from a chemical manufacturer. The resulting bioaccumulation of mercury in the bay’s fish and shellfish resulted in severe illness in anyone who had consumed them. In some cases, the illness proved fatal or resulted in severe disabilities.


Getting Started

DRI’s sustainability program is based on a simple, yet effective model. We provide your dental association members with a FREE dental amalgam separator unit as part of a 3 or 5-year recycling contract agreement. This recycling contract offers highly competitive pricing for your members and a complete amalgam recycling solution to meet regulations.

Depending on whether you desire a formal or informal partnership, we can provide the association a royalty from our contracted recycling revenue.

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